Friday, January 25, 2008


So the semester's started up again - and I've got a small backlog of webjunk to look at, all of which I've blatantly stolen from other blogs. Later today I'll have the interview with Jess Anthony posted. Enjoy?
  • "Will cellphone novels kill the author?" The latest doomsday story, all the way from Japan. I particularly like this bit: "As the genre’s popularity leads more people to write cellphone novels, though, an existential question has arisen: can a work be called a cellphone novel if it is not composed on a cellphone, but on a computer or, inconceivably, in longhand?" Huh?
  • If you don't know yet, The Atlantic has opened up its online archives for free. Go there and read things.
  • Arist Olafur Eliasson has somehow fit his house inside this very expensive book - using lasers and probably some algorithms or something. Thank you Ron Hogan at Galleycat for finding this and posting it.
  • I've told some of you about this already: recently I received a form rejection email from Backwards City Review, a magazine I really like and will continue to submit to; unfortunately, the editors made the small mistake of copying every author they rejected (instead of blind copying, you know?) onto the rejection email list. Chaos ensued. Anyhow, for more rejection stories/reactions, you can read this blog, or this blog, or you can read this silliness. Am I wrong to say that there is something addictive about all of this?
  • Mike has shaved the beard.
  • And finally, there is hope: "Area Eccentric Reads Entire Book." From The Onion.

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